When was the last time that you did a list wher you took time to Write down everything that God has done for You?
God's word is Alive & Active and is still speaking to people today.
When was the last time that you spent time in praying just thanking Your Father for His richness, for His goodnes, for never leaving you, for making You His Son And daughter
In the New testament Jesus teaches us how to pray. Our Father well that tells me I have a Personal Relationship with Him and that He cares about every aspect of my life.
Which Art In Heaven "Hallowed be thy name -- The Word Hallowed means Purify When was the last time that You asked God to help You see Him the way He wants You to see Him and that Others would see Him In you
You see Friends there is so Much Unconditional Love within this passage
God wants to take you to the next Spiritual Level so why not ask Him In the Book of James It says "You have not because You Ask not"
May this week me one that You grow closer to God than ever before and Know that nothing can snatch you out of His Hand