Answers and Insights to Your Most Important Questions
In this book Max address everyday questions that you might say we all have about Hope, Hurt, Help, just to name a few.
In My opinion Max Lucado is gifted when it comes to writing. He has a way of where He just paints a picture with words regardless of the question His answer is filled with Christlike love. Its almost as if who ever the reader is Max is writing it just to you. Each page that I read I couldn't help but feel the Love that Max has for His brother and for His sister in Christ. But even more important I could not help but feel the holy spirit.
One of my favorite pages is at the very beginning where He compares God's Love to Human love. Here is just a brief outline of that.
"Human love is convenient."
"God's love is eternal. You are always on God's itinerary."
"Human love is limited."
"God's love is unlimited."
"Human love is emotional."
"God's love is committed", etc...
Max ends this with something I need to remember for myself which is :
"We should all have someone in our lives on whom we can look back and say, "I saw God's love in that person." -- Max Lucado
Regardless of what you may be facing for everyone is facing something Max has a word of hope, encouragement, at least a couple of words to stretch your faith and bring you closer to God. No doubt this will be a best seller and will speak to Millions of people. What a blessing it has been to preview this book.