Years ago He was attending a Catholic school where He was studying to become a Priest.
Along the way someone told Tim about Jesus and He accepted Him as his personal Lord and Saviour.
Well as a Child of the Utmost High I know that the Angels rejoiced in Heaven
If only my brother Tim had the same kind of celebration here on Earth.
It was much different when Tim told His family it was as if He had dropped a bomb shell.
His family disowned him, there were no more telephone calls.
No more Birthdays
No more Thanksgiving Dinner together
No more Christmas.
Tim will tell you that His Church family is His family.
Tim continued to serve God knowing that was the only right thing to do.
As time went by both Tim and my sister in Christ Brenda felt a calling to Russia.
All of the doors opened except for one.
Even though their hearts broke on the inside they knew the only thing to do was to Serve God.
A little over 3 years later all of the doors opened for them to go as Missionaries to Russia.
The service would start about 7 pm and when the service ended they followed Tim and Brenda home.
Most of the time Tim and Brenda would not get to go to Bed until about 6 am or 7 am in the morning.
Did I mention the service started at 7 pm the night before???
When Tim and Brenda were lucky they would get to go to sleep about 3 am.
Tim and Brenda didn't go on other missionary trips they just continued to serve God.
After all they knew it was the only thing to do
You see with Tim and Brenda it wasn't so much this or that.
It was who they represent.
The Creator of the Universe is the one they represent.
I've been blessed to have them as friends for a number of years.
I salute and applaud both of you for keeping your eyes on God.
Of course I will have to stand in agreement with you with God there is everything.
Without God there is nothing.