Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What One Person with Tender Hands and a Gentle Heart did for Mankind

Tender hands -- So loving
Gentle heart-    Says I accept you
Tender hands-  healed so many
Gentle heart -- All Knowing yet Not Judging
Tender hands- Serving us
Gentle heart-  So much to share

Tender Hands- Showed us how to Love
Gentle Heart - always pouring into people yet He knew the Time was Near
Tender Hands - His hands/feet nailed to the Cross for You & For Me
Gentle Heart -  so CRUSHED /He was Seperated from His  Father for the first time -- So Heartbroken  - His heart broken into so many pieces for You and for me

Tender hands -- bore our Pain
Gentle heart --  Said "Father forgive them for the know now what they do."
Tender hands-- Jesus healed again after the Resurrection
Gentle Heart--  Jesus Says "I LOVE YOU so much that I gave every ounce of blood I have for you and now I wait knocking at the door of Your Heart waiting for You . . . . 

May this Christmas Season be one that You grow more closer to Jesus than ever before

Jesus Loves You So
