I've heard many people say the Book of Psalms is there favorite book. There are 150 Psalms in the entire book. From this we know that David wrote 75 of the Psalms.
This is divide into 5 different books.
Book 1 Psalm 1-41 refers often to Yahweh which means'the LORD'.
Book 2 Psalm 42-72 refers mostly to Elohim which means "GOD."
Book 3, 4, and 5 is a divions of the remaining Psalms.
It was completed in the third century B.C.
This is a book about prayer, praise and God's instruction.
In this I looked at 5 different words to see how often they were in the NIV version. I must admit I did this mostly for me so that I would grow in my spiritual walk.
Here are the words I looked for in this book:
--Set apart
Here is what I learned:
Book 1 Chapters 1-41
Praise was mentioned 29 times the last time is Psalm 41.
Joy was mentioned 9 times with the last time in Psalm 33:3.
Worship was only mentioned 2 times with the last time in Psalm 29:2.
Set apart was only mentioned in Psalm 4:3
Inheritance was only mentioned 4 times with the last time in Psalm 37:18.
Book 2 Chapters 42-72
Praise was mentioned 52 times with the last time in Psalm 72
Joy was mentioned 9 times with the last time in Psalm 67:4.
However for Book 2 the words Worship, Set Apart and Inheritance were not even mentioned. Now there were words that descriped these words however the word itself was not mentioned.
Book 3 Chapters 73-89
Praise was mentioned only 8 times with the last time in Psalm 89.
Set apart was mentioned only in Psalm 88:5. In fact the words set apart is only mentioned twice in the book of Psalms.
Inheritance was mentioned only 4 times with the last time in Psalm 82:8.
The words joy and worship were not mentioned in Book 3 however there was descriptive words just not the word joy and worship itself.
Book 4 Chapters 90-106
The word praise was mentioned 28 times with the last time in Psalm 106.
Set apart is not mentioned in Book 4.
The word Joy was mentioned 4 times with the last time in Psalm 105:43.
The word Worship was mentioned 7 times with the last time in Psalm 106:36.
The word Inheritance was mentioned 4 times with the last time in Psalm 106:40.
Book 5 Chapters 107-150
The word Praise is mentioned 93 times with the last time in Psalm 150.
Although there may have been words describing set apart like chosen one the exact word 'set apart' was not mentioned.
The word Joy was mentioned 3 times with the last time in Psalm 149:5.
Worship was only mentioned 1 time and that was in Psalm 132:7.
The word Inheritance was mentioned 4 times with the last time in Psalm 136:22
Needless to say GOD used this to take me to another spiritual level which I must admit was what I wanted.
In sharing this my prayer is that you will grow spiritually not so much for yourself but more for the Kingdom of GOD.
What better way to end this then with Psalm 94:14
"For the LORD will not reject his people, he will not forsake his inheritance."
Just think the Creator of the Universe calls YOU 'HIS INHERITANCE' pretty cool don't you think!