Friday, October 3, 2008

Product of your Environment/You Choose Your Environment

21 Days
A very wise person once said that whatever a person chooses to do for 21 days becomes a habit.
After 21 days it becomes 2nd nature.
You are what you speak.
Whatever words a person speaks is spoken directly to your spirit man.
Are you Victorious or defeated?
The scarry part is God leaves the choice up to every individual kind of scarry isn't it.
Try it for 21 days.
Come on take 21 day challenge. Read the following outloud.
You Choose Your Environment

God created me to be a blessing.

God created me to be an ambassador.
God created me to prosper.
God created me to live in a land of milk and honey.

I'm the head and not the tail.
I have God's divine favor for God heard my cry.

God has blessed me with people from the East, West, North, and from the South to walk in the Jerusaleum that God has for me.
God has a Promised Land just for me.
God has no limitations.
God has placed no limitations on me.
I'm to see myself as God sees me.
My freedom comes from God.

I'm God's daugter/son
God made me an heir to the throne.
I have Royal Blood flowing through my veins
I'm to see myself as God sees me.
I'm to see myself as God sees me.
I'm to see myself as God sees me.

Hey don't worry they are more promises then these. Remember even James knew that words have power.

Changing the Subject:
Re: Yesterday's post
I have been learning so much about the King James Bible.
Author: Adam Nicolson

Reading this book is a humbling experience for me.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Promised Land

Promised Land
By: Yvonne Green
I read a long time ago in one of the books that most writers write about something that they need to hear or read themselves.
Most everyone is familiar with the story of the Israelites and their Promised Land.
A land of milk and honey.
Have you ever thought of your Promised Land?
Let's set the stage about another person's Promised Land:
-King James acseeds to the throne in 1603 after Queen Elizabeth dies.
-Here is a typical conversation:
-(Notice how the language was different verses the present).
"It pleased him both to enter into a gratulation to Almightie God (at which wordes he put off his hat) for bringing him into the promised land, where Religion was purely professed; where he sate among graue, learned and reuerend men; ect.." p.49 see GOD'S SECRETARIES
"He sate among graue, learned and reuerend men." p.42 see GOD'S SECRETARIES
"For the word of God is quicke and powerfull, and sharper than any two edged sword, pearcing euen to the dividing asunder of soule and spirit, and of the ioynts and marrowe, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 p. 84 see GOD'S SECRETARIES
Hebrews 4:12 NIV today
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12 NIV translation
It has really made me stop and think. Just how thankful that King James was that Religion was professed.
""In case you might be interested about learning more:
The name of the Book is:
Adam Nicolson

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No Perfect People

Where I go to Church the Senior Pastor has a saying "Come as you Are", "No Perfect People."

How right he is No Perfect People

That's just what God used No Perfect People

Now I don't know about you, but have you ever woke up in a good mood, upbeat only to run into someone who was exactly the opposite.

What about driving down the road and out of nowhere a car comes out of the blue trying to cut you off just to go to the Waffle House only a block away.

Usually when that happens I immediately start praying for the other driver that he/she will drive defensively.

What about the morning, I wake up praising my Heavenly Father only to be disseacted by someone else.

It happens to us all. Usually when I ran into a situation like that I just say Jesus gave His blood and walk off.

No Perfect People and Jesus gave His blood.