Where I go to Church one of the Services is called Vertical.
The service started out with singles but was such a hit teenagers and married couples have even been added.
Recently we have been discussing Servant/Leader which is what a Christ follower is supposed to reflect. Now the world teaches just the opposite to get ahead of life well sometimes that may or may not mean steeping on people. God has called us to live according to what His word teaches not what the world teaches. No matter what a person does in the world it will never withstand the test of time however what a person does as a servant for God's Kingdom will withstand the test.
God designed His Church to be a hospital to the hurting, to piece back the broken-hearted, and oh my how He loves the outcasts.
Tonight the Servant/Leader came to a close with washing other people's feet.
I must admit I got carried away with this. So I went from 1 person to the next and I would start off I come to you as God's servant and then I would speak blessings and God's word over them. I wish I could put into words what the Spirit spoke and do it justice. However I can not begin to explain what it meant just to speak God's word over others.
Things of the flesh will never line up with God's word." -- Yvonne Green
"Approach GOD's Word as God breathed." -- Beth Moore
If 1 person from Heaven could run the race of life what would Rebecca say -- serve others w/o expecting anything in return." John Maxwell
If I could only say one thing to people who run the race of life it would be:
"Stay focused on God at all times and there is no one that is to far from God for God not to say I love you."