Sunday, December 26, 2010

Voices of the Faithful Book 2

For those who has ever wanted to know what goes on in a day of a Missionaries Life.
 This is the book. It lives up to its name and then some. This is also an excellent book to help anyone regardless of where they are on the Christian journey to develop a more intimate relationship with their Heavenly Father. I especially love how the months are divided into sections. For example the month of January begins with prayer. Another month is focused on God, our Loving Father ecetra..

 God really is LOVE. One of my favorite quotes is: "If God's behind it, you'll have a mighty hard time stopping it." -- Beth Moore
Friends I only know that in my personal journey as a Christian I want God to be behind it. Life is too short for anything else.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Principle of the Path By: Andy Stanley

Personally I could not think of a better title than what was chosen. The Principle of the Path: How to get from where you are to where you are going. You see rules and laws both can be broken. But it’s the principle of the path that everyone needs. It may not always be the most comforting but it is there to protect you and me. In this book Andy does a wonderful job revealing every aspect of The Principle of the Path. How it guides, protects, directs your steps. This can be applied to every minute of every day. Whether a person is willing to admit it or not. It affects everyone young, old, rich, and poor.

The Principle of the Path: How to Get from where you are to Where you want to be By: Andy Stanley is a must have

Friday, November 19, 2010

Where does your belief lie .... . ..

Every clean & unclean spirit have 1 thing in common. So what is it: Belief

Unforgiveness is belief that you have been wronged

Victim is belief that someone waited to overpower you

Hurt is belief that you have been hurt

Down cast is belief you have been defeated

---- Verses on the flip side-----

Joy is the belief in God for He is your strength

Encouragement is belief that every one has value

Faith is belief in the positive, in things that are unseen

List continues ecetra........

Point is whatever the emotion or feeling is there is belief whether negative or positive

On this Day . . . . . . . .

This is the first book that I have read by Robert J. Morgan. I must admit as I was reading this book I couldn't help but think of the countless hours of research that went into this book. For anyone who has ever done research at any level has come to realize that it takes time to find information.  Even in a world of technology even if a person only uses the internet to research something they soon find out that it takes time.

I agree with the author that "History is and must ever continue to be next to God's word....."  I must admit I can't even begin to imagine the countless hours of research that went into this book.  However, I'm indeed thankful for this book. 
The only requirements for this book are two:
1-- Willing to take the time to read
2-- Desire to grow spiritually

I don't know about you but there has been times I wondered if there was anything that happened in the Christian community on my birthday.  With this book I now know at least some of the things that happened in Christian History. I'm amazed at the time that went into the wrtiting so regardless of a person's spiritual level they would be able to understand it.

One of my favorite stories was how the late D.L. Moody started the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and who the first graduate was.  Maybe your interested in learning how Churches grew in various areas or what people went through just to spread the Gospel. 

One thing is for sure the people who have spread the Gospel from the Apostles to those who are spreading the Gospel today.  They all have come to realize one thing.  They know they are not their own but that they have been purchased with a price -- a price they can not repay which is the Blood of Jesus.   

Great gift for those who want to grow spiritually or even yourself

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Breath of Fresh Air

Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make A Difference on

Yvonne reviewed Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make A Difference at and gave it 5 out of 5 stars.

“In a day of uncertanity. In a time where the recession is lasting longer than it was supposed to . Once again Max Lucado offers not only a fresh word but a ray of hope. Have you ever wondered if God could ever use you? I mean to really use you to make a d...ifference? Well hopefully after reading this you will know that yes God can use you to make a difference. "There is enough food on the planet to offer every person twenty-five hundred calories os sutenance a day. We have enough food to feed the hungry. There are 145 million orphans worldwide. Nearly 236 million people in the United states call themselves Christians. Hmmm, lets say 6 percent helped. If so we could provide loving homes for more than 14.1 million children." Still think God can't use you to make a difference? I wonder what would happen if more people spoke words of encouragment to just 1 person a day. You don't want to miss reading this: "It all began with an hones look and a helping hand. Could this be God's stratedgy for human hurt? First, kind eyes meet desperate ones. Next, strong hands help weak ones. Then, the miracle of God. We do our small part, he does the big part, and life at the Beautiful Gate begins to be just that." Compared to Eternity my time your time here on Planet Earth is too short So the question must be answered one way or another "Will I let God use me as a vessel or will life just pass me by.....?"l ”See More

See More

.26 minutes ago via BazaarVoice

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blessings in Disquise

Yesterday I was on my way to work.  I live in 1 county but work in another County.  In today's economy as many are aware a person has to go where the jobs were. I had just got off the Interstate yesterday still in main flow of traffic when my Car just up & died.

Usually if I'm in a car by myself I'm doing 1 of 3 things:
Listening to God's Precious Word
Listening to Praise Music

Yesterday for some strange reason I spent entire time praying.  I've read and qoted many verses about how God gives us what we need not what we want.  A popular verse is  "The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not be in want." -- NIV Psalm 23:1   Well that is exactly what happened. 

Even after the car broke down I just continued to pray it wasn't long
that a Gentlemen knocked on the window and offered to push me in the Yellow lane where I would be safe.  What a blessing that was.  It turns out He is in the Ministry in Missouri and as He left He just said God told me to stop  He even offered to wait and sit behind me until the tow truck got there.  I assured Him that I was fine.

The next person that offered to help drove by on the opposite side of the road and yelled do you need gas.  Once again a complete stranger offering to buy me gas when I told him no.  He went on.  It took about 2 hours before the tow truck got there.  There was 2 other strangers that offered to help.

Once it was towed to the Mechanics after they took a thorough look at it.  The time belt had broke came close to the engine blowing up.

Remember God has gone before you, God is beside you, God is behind you.
God still loves you 
I'm convinced the key was prayer and God took care of the rest.

Prayer really does work  
My sister said and once again I have a testimony
I say it was all God

Sunday, May 30, 2010

For God so loved.............

Most writers write as if they were just writing to themselve.
Regardless of where a Christ follower is on the road its so simple yet profound and applies to every thing.
There are so many truths found throughout Gods word.
Both in the Old & New Testament its stated so many ways that the Creator of the Universe really loves you.

Many have  read John 3:16 and many have taken the time to memorize the verse.

Something that God has really been speaking to my spirit man that really needs to be shared.

Oh so thankful for Gods precious word and it is God breathed .

I just want to focus on part of the verse and my prayer is that as people read this that they would take the time to apply it to their daily walk.

For God so loved ....
 - God knew the end before there was ever a beginning
For God so loved ....
 - You were on Gods mind long before He formed your innermost being
For God so loved .....
- God knew the type of day you would have before you did
For God so loved ...........
-Lets face it many of us heard the Gospel many times before coming & asking Jesus to come into our hearts.
For God so loved........
 God knew just how big to make the heart and He made it with just enough room for Jesus to take up residence.
For God so loved...
- God has never giving up mankind regardless
For God so loved.....
- God knew it would take the Holy Spirit to bring each and every one of us to Him
For God so loved....
 -God has and will never choose the thoughts, actions, attitude of His son/daughter as the case may be.
For God so loved ....
 -- Have you thought I mean really thought of who you are praying to...........
For God so loved.........
 -- There is nothing that God can't use
For God so loved ..........
 - Its not the one who plants nor the one who water but its God who causes the growth
For God so loved ..........
 - God watches over you and calls you His prized possession
For God so loved ..........
 -Regardless of where you are on the journey
 -Regardless of what type of day you had
 -Regardless of how others treat you
 -Regardless of whether you share the Gospel with others or not
 -Regardless of the fact whether you choose to praise God or focus on the circumstances
-Regardless of the fact whether you choose to forgive another person or hold it against the other person
Remember you were not always saved
Jesus didn't always live in your heart
Yet God never gave up on you
After all God calls you His most prized possession
For God so loved ........

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Servant /Leader vs Leader/Servant

Where I go to Church one of the Services is called Vertical.

The service started out with singles but was such a hit teenagers and married couples have even been added.

Recently we have been discussing Servant/Leader which is what a Christ follower is supposed to reflect. Now the world teaches just the opposite to get ahead of life well sometimes that may or may not mean steeping on people.  God has called us to live according to  what His word teaches not what the world teaches.  No matter what a person does in the world it will never withstand the test of time however what a person does as a servant for God's Kingdom will withstand the test.

God designed His Church to be a hospital to the hurting, to piece back the broken-hearted, and oh my how He loves the outcasts.

Tonight the Servant/Leader came to a close with washing other people's feet.

I must admit I got carried away with this.  So I went from 1 person to the next and I would start off I come to you as God's servant and then I would speak blessings and God's word over them.  I wish I could put into words what the Spirit spoke and do it justice.  However I can not begin to explain what it meant just to speak God's word over others. 

Things of the flesh will never line up with God's word." -- Yvonne Green

"Approach GOD's Word as God breathed." -- Beth Moore

If  1 person from Heaven could run the race of life what would Rebecca say -- serve others w/o expecting anything in return." John Maxwell
If I could only say one thing to people who run the race of life it would be:
"Stay focused on God at all times and there is no one that is to far from God for God not to say I love you."

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Love Note



Throughout the good and bad times in my life there has always been something significant, something that no matter how good or how bad it seems to pull me through each time.

It’s been talked about, sung about, read about, studied about, some people may wear one, others may not have one to wear but yet the person carries it and considers himself blessed to carry it.

You should have it figured out by now if not oh well I will go ahead and tell you I am referring to {CROSS}.

It seems like the more lessons that I learn from the school of hard knocks the more I wonder will graduation ever come?

In every lesson I seem to find



The more I shared in the sufferings of Jesus and endured persecution and I didn’t understand why Jesus never complained I found



For years I walked the straight and narrow path and then one day got on the wrong road once again I found



When people judged me right and left I found I accept you for who you are where you are



The first time I stumbled and fell down only to feel someone’s arms around me I could not see to help me stand up I found



When I am around people who do stuff only to get a reaction from me I found “Lo I am with with you always”

When I am around people who want to be Christ like and I stop and think how blessed I am I found



When I got back on the narrow road again Jesus whispered I never left, I found


Now I could continue on but as soon as I stopped I am sure that I would learn another lesson that would be signed



If you will recall at the very beginning I vaguely mentioned something but in reality nothing’s bigger than the CROSS.
For me every time I got a note that was signed


I learned another lesson about the CROSS

For example how God loves mankind and just waits patiently already knowing that one day someone he created will come to Him.

God does not need to fellowship with man He chose to fellowship with man.

If there were not a Roman soldier to nail him to the Cross, Jesus would have nailed Himself to the Cross. When Jesus was on the CROSS HE saw every sin to be committed past, present, and future. Every good work to be done. In short JESUS saw it all.

JESUS’ BLOOD is so important for many reasons:


I accept you and love you for who you are where you are regardless of what it is.
Remember there are 2 pieces of wood

One facing parallel and the other perpendicular which simply means I love you enough to give you free will

Now you choose.

Whatever you choose GOD has and will never given up on you.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What God used to take me to another level Spiritually

I've heard many people say the Book of Psalms is there favorite book.  There are 150 Psalms in the entire book.  From this we know that David wrote 75 of the Psalms.
This is divide into 5 different books.

Book 1 Psalm 1-41 refers often to Yahweh  which means'the LORD'.
Book 2 Psalm 42-72 refers mostly to Elohim which means "GOD."
Book 3, 4, and 5 is a divions of the remaining Psalms.

It was completed in the third century B.C.
This is a book about prayer, praise and God's instruction.
In this I looked at 5 different words to see how often they were in the NIV version.  I must admit I did this mostly for me so that I would grow in my spiritual walk.

Here are the words I looked for in this book:
--Set apart

Here is what I learned:
Book 1 Chapters 1-41
Praise was mentioned 29 times the last time is Psalm 41.
Joy was mentioned 9 times with the last time in Psalm 33:3.
Worship was only mentioned 2 times with the last time in Psalm 29:2.
Set apart was only mentioned in Psalm 4:3
Inheritance was only mentioned 4 times  with the last time in Psalm 37:18. 

Book 2 Chapters 42-72
Praise was mentioned 52 times with the last time in Psalm 72
Joy was mentioned 9 times with the last time in Psalm 67:4.
However for Book 2 the words Worship, Set Apart and Inheritance were not even mentioned.  Now there were words that descriped these words however the word itself was not mentioned.

Book 3 Chapters 73-89
Praise was mentioned only 8 times with the last time in Psalm 89.
Set apart was mentioned only in Psalm 88:5.  In fact the words set apart is only mentioned twice in the book of Psalms.
Inheritance was mentioned only 4 times with the last time in Psalm 82:8.
The words joy and worship were not mentioned in Book 3 however there was descriptive words just not the word joy and worship itself.

Book 4 Chapters 90-106
The word praise was mentioned 28 times with the last time in Psalm 106.
Set apart is not mentioned in Book 4.
The word Joy was mentioned 4 times with the last time in Psalm 105:43.
The word Worship was mentioned 7 times with the last time in Psalm 106:36.
The word Inheritance was mentioned 4 times with the last time in Psalm 106:40.

Book 5 Chapters 107-150
The word Praise is mentioned 93 times with the last time in Psalm 150.
Although there may have been words describing set apart like chosen one the exact word 'set apart' was not mentioned.
The word Joy was mentioned 3 times with the last time in Psalm 149:5.
Worship was only mentioned 1 time and that was in Psalm 132:7.
The word Inheritance was mentioned 4 times with the last time in Psalm 136:22

Needless to say GOD used this to take me to another spiritual level which I must admit was what I wanted.
In sharing this my prayer is that you will grow  spiritually not so much for yourself but more for the Kingdom of GOD.

  What better way to end this then with Psalm 94:14
"For the LORD will not reject his people, he will not forsake his inheritance."

Just think the Creator of the Universe calls YOU 'HIS INHERITANCE'  pretty cool don't you think!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God provides

Just finished listening to the news where the statement was made "This Winter will go down in history."   This is so true.

Last night I got snowed in at work but like a co-worker said everyone has a different perspective. 

I had a change of clothes, God's Word, the latest book by Joel Osteen and peanut butter crackers and my medicine for my epilepsy not to mention a blanket so I was ready so I thought.

I must admit I like the way God works so much better.
I spent the evening reading Joel's latest book and studying the book of Psalms and yes I'm still in Isaiah. 

Well our management made sure that we had something to eat 
So they ordered pizza for everyone which was delicious

Then comes a friend who is a co-worker bringing a bacon egg & cheese biscuit from Mcdonalds.

Then another friend comes in to work bringing my a delicious sandwich.

God used so many people from upper management to my friends first and then co-workers.

I was hungry and they fed me [peanut butter crackers was not enough]

I needed a warm place to rest my head and they said it's not much but your more then welcome.

As I reflect back on the wonderful time the best part was to see people being God's hands and God's feet.

Just as God provided for the birds the same God provided for me.

Blessed  indeed.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So thankful

I wanted to share the picture  that is on the
computer  at the house.

It says so much that I feel I must share :
  - God breathed His perfect love into me
 - He knew my destiny long before
I took my first breath [Jeremiah 1:1-3]
- No 2 stars are the same and He knows them all by name.
Yet His love for menkind is far greater.
-Only God could take my ashes in exchange for
beauty that can only come from Him.
-Everytime I look at this wallpaper I think of GOD
watching over me
-GOD who never sleeps
-In closing I feel I must say 
"Though I have not seen Him,
yet I know HIS voice and He knows me"
-Wherever a person is on the Journey God, Jesus, and the Holy-Spirit really love you and they have not given up on you.

"With God there are no hopeless cases" -- Nancy Alcorn founder of Mercy Ministries

Monday, February 1, 2010

God's Timing

Currently I work in Health Care profession answering questions providers may have about a person's benfit or claim.

Sometimes I'm so busy at work that before I know it I'm late for lunch.

 How this came about was clearly God's timing

There was just 1 person who set between me and Dianne yet when I was on a call she wasn't and vice versa.

Then one day at lunch the subject came up about me walking for Mercy Ministries

Diane asked me what was I planning to do... As soon as I mentioned Mercy Ministries then Diane started telling me about Mercy Ministries now how cool is that.

Well this was just the beginning of a friendship.

I remember telling her what Eph 1:18 and how I loved that verse.

Dianne just said why Yvonne Ephesians Chapter 1 is my favorite chapter.  I thought how cool is that.

Not too long ago we happened to be at lunch at the same time.  Which I must admit is very rare.

I was telling her about something the Pastor said in a sermon 

That he was doing a series of sermons on Restart

Without thinking Dianne said oh you must go to Biltmore Baptist and then she started asking me if I knew this person then another.

Needless to say I'm blessed to have Dianne as my friend.

My favorite part is when I mention something and then she tells me about it.  To hear the excitement in her voice.

To think at one time there was one person who sat between us and now we are close friends.  

Thankful for God's Timing

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Answered prayer/No Warning

Not too long I asked those on staff @ Mercy Ministries to pray for my sister.

I must admit just to be a volunteer for Mercy Minisistries means more than I could say.

Well for some time Vicki has been a morning person.

On the other hand I've never been one.

Let's face it there are some things that only God, Jesus, Holy-Spirit and God's Word can do.

I like to think God made it that way for a reason

One thing I know God is always on time.

Still there was no warning as to what was about to happen.

Clear out of the blue Vicki started yelling before 6 am

"Yvonne , Yvonne wake up your going to miss Joyce "

I must admit that I didn't get up at 6am

I'm dreaming this has to be a dream............

Yet Vicki continues to yell I tell myself I'm dreaming

"Yvonne, Yvonne you've already miss Joyce at 6 am"

"Yvonne, Yvonne hurry you can catch Joyce at 6:30 am"

I get up to watch Joyce at 6:30 am

Still can't believe I'm up but with a cup of Joe I'm able to take notes

Oh by the way for the few mornings I've missed Joyce in the morning

My darling sister makes me watch Joyce before I eat supper.

She just says do you want to eat then watch Joyce.

To this day I don't know what anyone on Staff of any of the Mercy Ministries homes prayed.

I just knew they had prayed

As I pray for their needs.

The irony of whole thing is Joyce Meyer is one of Nancy Alcorn [founder of Mercy Ministries] mentors.

Thankful that a prayer was answered

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Walk for Mercy

For those who may have heard about Mercy Ministries but are not yet familiar with it.
It was founded in 1983 by Nancy Alcorn
Mercy Ministries don't take donations that has strings attached to it because teaching God's word is the most important thing.
Every issue is address from God's word.
Girls stay there for free from the ages 13-28 that
-Unplanned pregnancies
-Abuse of any kind
-Eating Disorders
-Drug addictions
-Alchol addictions
-Self Harm
-People who tried to commit suicide
and the list goes on

It is a very structured environment where God's word is used to address every issue.

My favorite story is that is from the Old Testament I want something from the New Testament

As a result over 80% of the girls accept Jesus as their LORD and Saviour

Upon graduation so many answer a call to follow God
-Counseling so that God can use them to set other captives free

Last year was my first year that I walked for Mercy.

I have so many favorite memories

Just to be able to walk last year in the 5k was such an honor and God really did provide.

I'm amazed at how God had the people set aside to make donations.
Most of my support came from divine appointments with strangers who needless to say are no longer a stranger.
One day at lunch I had an opportunity to share Mercy with a co-worker only to fine out she was already familiar with Mercy Ministries.
She asked me how much I was asking
I said a minimum donation of $5.00
Well lets just say it was more
A Co-worker that works with my sister donated 10 times $5.00 do the math.
The point is God went before, paved the road, had the right people set aside
In short 3 people I knew gave donations and the rest were divine appointments.

Then came the day of the walk
Although I had been in direct communication with some of the staff at Mercy they did keep a secret from me.
Once you round the corner you begin to climb a mountain.
My sister was a helping cheering runners and walkers for Mercy
When I got to the top of the Mountain there was my sister, there was water, and one of my dear friend Megan.

You see I was once a rape and abuse victim

Now I walk for Mercy

There are so many on staff who once went to Mercy now God uses them to help set other captives free through the power of His word.
I enjoyed swapping stories with others because it showed just how far God has brought each and every one of us.
Then just to be able to tell others that they are my heros even those who walked for those on the waiting list.
You see they really are my heros.
That is the God we serve

I walk for Mercy. Do you?

My heros
Now that is the God we serve
I walk for Mercy

This past winter I did "THE INHERITANCE" by: Beth Moore
in this series she said "part of your inheritance are the things you go through in life even those that are not from GOD. It is so crucial to stand on it cause I promise you if you are not standing on it the enemy is. "

With the teaching that comes through Mercy Ministries they are able to stand.
I walk for Mercy