Wednesday, March 9, 2011

101 Rules for Relationships

"Everyone has a story the question is do you know it?" -- Rick Warren

"What a person does today becomes their legacy." John C. Maxwell

"Bigger on the inside and smaller on the outside." John C Maxwell

If there is anyone who is a Guro in this area it would be the author Billy Hornsby. He is one of the Founders of ARC [Association of Related Churchs}, Serves On EQUIP Board, spends countless hours working with Missionaires, Pastors, lay people. One thing I can say about Pastor Billy is He loves people.

101 Rules for Relationships was written with the intent to help stretch a person. Whether you are talking to someone at work, at the Grocery Store, spending time with friends there is something that you can learn from the other person to strengthen that relationship. I'm convinced that each person knows at least one thing that I can learn. To do this requires me to be an effective listener which I might add is an art.

This is a book that once its read can strengthen a person in so many areas.

In essence its to help each person who has this book grow for Pastor Billy knows that adding value to someone's life is extremely important.